1. 2023
    • Development of the 2023-2027 strategic plan
    • Client: Webuye West NGCDF.
  2. 2022-2023
    • Implement guidelines on provision of water for rural and underserved areas in selected counties and rural water service providers through development of WSPs strategic, business and operational plans
    • Client: Gatsby Africa/Blackburn Associates
  3. 2021-2022
    • Community Project Appraisal (Both Desk and Field) as an Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Oversight Agent for the Upper Tana Catchment Natural Resource Management Project
    • Client: Upper Tana Catchment Natural Resource Management Project.
  4. Nov 2021- October 2022: Community Proposal Appraisal
    • (Both Desk and Field), Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation as an Independent Oversight Agent in Kenya. This project involved selection of 600 grantees out of 1,600 for funding under an IFAD funded project. The project ran for 1 year. The objective of this assignment is to enhance implementation capacity and governance of CIGs in the implementation of income generating activities (IGAs) to be financed through grants to communities. UTaNRMP has hired AFREDEC in collaboration with Agribase consultants as an Independent Oversight Agent) to receive and appraise Common Interest Groups’ (CIGs) proposals (desk and field appraisal) and carry out monitoring, capacity building and evaluation of the activities implemented by the CIGs through the grants to the groups. (Client: Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project-Financed By: GOK, IFAD; and Spanish Trust.
    • Contact: Boniface Kikuvi, Livelihoods Coordinator email:bmkikuvi@gmail.com)
  5. 2020 –2021
    • Consultancy Service for Formulation of Organizational Wide Resource Mobilization Strategy for the National Irrigation Authority in Kenya
    • Client: National Irrigation Authority- Kenya)
  6. 2021
    • Capacity Assessment of Local Government Institutions and Existing Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction Systems and Develop a Harmonized Standardized Risk Assessment Tool in Turkana County.
    • Client: ChildFund Kenya
  7. 2020
    • Training of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) management and staff on agribusiness, management and financial skills in Rwanda
    • Client: KCB Bank Rwanda- Mobigrow Program
  8. 2018-2019
    • Development of Farmer Handbooks and Providing Gap Training to Lead Farmers in 4 Value Chains (Maize, Rice, Potatoes, Dairy) in Rwanda
    • Client: KCB Bank Rwanda-MobiGrow Project
  9. 2018-2019
    • Evaluation of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) Strategic Plan (2014-2018) & Development of a Renewed Strategic Plan (2019-2022) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia –Consulting all African Countries
    • Client: Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA)/DeBi Consulting Associates
  10. 2017-2018
    • Capacity Development and Financial Linkages for SMEs Participating in the PROFIT Program in the Dairy, Cereals, Livestock and Horticulture Development in Western, Rift Valley and Nyanza Kenya
    • Client: Fineline Systems and Management (Fineline)/ Africa Green Revolution Alliance (AGRA)
  11. 2018
    • Dairy Value Chain Study and Market Mapping Study For the Kenya Market-Led Dairy Value Chain Supply Project (Uasin Gishu, Trans Nzoia, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet, Embu, Tharaka Nithi Counties)
    • Client: Heifer International, Kenya. Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)