1. 2022:
    • Environmental Impact Assessment for 11 Proposed water pans and boreholes in Isiolo and Wajir Counties
    • Client: National Irrigation Authority, Kenya
  2. 2021-2022
    • Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Makwa, Kieni and Kamwangu Irrigation Development Projects in Kiambu, Murang’a and Embu Counties Respectively
    • Client: National Irrigation Authority, Kenya
  3. 2020
    • Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Desilting & Excavation of Small Earth Dams in Wajir County Kenya
    • Client: National Irrigation Authority, Kenya
  4. 2019-2020:
    • Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Irrigation Projects and Desilting & Excavation of Small Earth Dams in Eastern Region of Kenya.
    • Client: National Irrigation Authority, Kenya