AFREDEC is has staff who are vastly knowledgeable and experienced in conducting multi-disciplinary research and economic development consultancy services for a wide spectrum of private, public, civil society and international organizations in Kenya and in other countries in Africa. In addition to the staff, the company has access to a wide pool of consultants through networks with universities and research institutions, professional associations and other consulting firms in Kenya and other countries in Africa.

The profiles of the directors are as shown below:

Timothy Waweru – Managing Director

Timothy has a Masters in Population Studies and Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology from the University of Nairobi. In addition, he has a Higher Diploma in the Institute for the Management of Information Systems (I.M.I.S). He has also attended short course training in the following areas: Performance Management; Results Based Management; Community Based Monitoring Systems; Project Monitoring and Evaluation; District development planning; and Integration of Population, Health, Gender, HIV and AIDs, Youth and Environment into Development Planning.

He has extensive training and work experience in development planning, policy analysis, projects/programmes management, community project appraisals, monitoring and evaluation, results based management, strategic planning, proposal development, financial and economic analysis, investment planning and in conducting baseline surveys and socio-economic research. He has worked for various research and consultancy firms for over ten years. He has also worked for the Government of Kenya as an Economist and Development Planner for 5 years.

Timothy also has a wealth of experience in coordination of decentralized development planning and of Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects/Programmes funded by the Government of Kenya and other donors such as World Bank, Government of Finland, Community Development Trust Fund (GOK, European Union and DANIDA), UNFPA, UNICEF, IFAD, USAID, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and FAO. In addition, Timothy has been involved in mobilizing and training communities to participate in development activities, writing project proposals, project planning and management and in monitoring and evaluation for over 5 years. He has also been involved in developing and using social accountability tools such as the comprehensive community/citizens score card process for the various devolved and donor funds at the decentralized levels.

Joel Maina – Director

Joel holds an MSc. degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Egerton University under the Collaborative Masters for Agriculture and Applied Economics (CMAAE) specializing in agricultural policy and trade option in the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is also a holder of a BSc. in Agricultural Economics from Egerton University.

His major areas of expertise are agricultural marketing, trade and policy analysis, financial and economic analysis for projects, socio-economic research, project evaluation and project monitoring, agricultural finance and microfinance, agribusiness, He has particularly worked with rural communities, Government development organizations, research organizations and other stakeholders in the East African region and in other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Previously he worked as a researcher for 2 private research and consultancy firms for a cumulative period of 5 years and as an agribusiness training partner with the GIZ-PSDA programme under the Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya for a cumulative period of 1 year.

Joel had experiences ranging from financial product development and development of an agricultural finance and support forum in East Africa, training of rural groups on business development aspects, conducting feasibility studies, monitoring and evaluation of development projects. He has been widely involved in advisory and design of marketing strategies and models including contract farming, group marketing models, micro-leasing, value addition and agro-processing for rural communities as well localized and effective models for service delivery in financing, extension services, markets access and information services for promotion and uplifting of rural livelihoods.

Dr. Ruth Chepchirchir – Director

Ruth Chepchichir has over four years of experience working as Consultant in the field of agricultural economics. She has a PhD. in Agricultural Economics. She also holds a Master’s of Science degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Egerton University and the University of Pretoria South Africa, and a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from Egerton University. Ruth is a member of the African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium which is an initiative aimed at positioning African experts to take a leadership role in the study of strategic development questions and the broader agricultural growth and policy debate facing African countries.

Her major areas of expertise are economic impact assessment, agribusiness, socioeconomic research, monitoring and evaluations and financial and economic analysis. Ruth has worked with different communities within and outside Kenya and in Africa. Her countries of work experience include Senegal, Uganda and Cameroon. She has advanced skills in field based socio-economic research methods including preparation of survey tools, supervising data collection, data analysis and technical report writing. She has also worked with key research institutions such as International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Livestock development and the National Irrigation Board. She is experienced in undertaking public consultations and focus group discussions (FGDs).


AFREDC staff include M&E experts, development economists, socio-economists, agricultural economists, sociologits, environmentalists, business development experts, crop and livestock value chains experts, agribusiness experts, agronomists, strategic planning experts, financial analysts.

AFREDEC Associates

AFREDEC also have associates who include: agricultural engineers, civil engineers, water and irrigation engineers, soil scientists and RAP Experts.

Organizational Structure